WithLove Charity, Inc. (WithLove) receives many inquiries regarding eligibility for programs, the process, and how we fund our programs. Please take a moment to review our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) to find the answers to many of these questions and others. If you have additional questions that are not addressed in this section, please email info@withlovecharity.org.
All children and young adults between the ages of 1 and 21, who have been diagnosed with pediatric cancer or are recent survivors of pediatric cancer. The Sideline Smiles and Heart of the Holidays programs apply only to patients and their families who either live or are treated in Jacksonville, FL, and Nashville, TN. Our Toys with Tay program applies to children and young adults nationwide.
Medical professionals, parents and legal guardians may refer patients and survivors to WithLove. All children and young adults eligible for our Sideline Smiles or Heart of the Holidays programs, must be cleared by their physician to have all activities approved.
WithLove does not solicit contributions by telephone. It is against our policy to telemarket. In addition, we will never sell or share information regarding donors and sponsors. This information is protected and used singularly by WLC to contact donors and sponsors.
Yes! WithLove is a registered 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Your financial contributions may be deductible for federal income tax purposes. Once a donation is made, we are happy to provide our EIN for tax recording purposes. We recommend that you consult with your CPA to determine the extent of tax deductibility.
WithLove is an intimate organization and is not affiliated with a national organization. We rely fully on the generosity of individuals and corporate supporters to provide the funding and in-kind resources necessary for us to curate love, hope, and joy for our Golden Heroes and their families. We receive no federal funding. 100% of donations, unless otherwise designated, are applied directly towards our programs.
Contributions may be gifts in the form of money, new toys/games donations, purchase of WLC merchandise, or volunteering. Our programs run year-round so your contributions, in any form, are valued at any time.
You can help us expand our reach and grow our mission by becoming a WLC Sponsor. Sponsors can choose to support a program, specific event, or logistical needs of the organization. Please feel free to complete a Sponsor application and email tay@withlovecharity.org to learn how to get involved as an individual, business, club or community group.
Students and schools wishing to raise money or host a toy drive can send inquiries to info@withlovecharity.org.
WLC is always in search of amazing volunteers and would love for you to be a part of our “Hope Dealers” team! Interested volunteers must complete a volunteer application found here. For more information on how you can volunteer with us, please email tay@withlovecharity.org.